une jeune femme blonde marche dans une rue de new-york les cheveux dans le vent.photographie humaniste en noir et blanc réalisée par laurent delhourme

des enfants font des plongeons depuis une digue dans la mer. photo réalisée à collioure en france. Photo en noir et blanc

une jeune femme blonde marche dans une rue de new-york les cheveux dans le vent.photographie humaniste en noir et blanc réalisée par laurent delhourme

FIAC Le jour d'après
In 2018, the RMN Grand Palais gave me an one-year carte blanche with in this large building.
This residency goal was to capture the personality of the place, its residents and its visitors. Event by event, I get through people emotions under 13500 cube meters of the Grande Nef.
Beyond this adventure, I discover that at each exhibition ending corresponds a singular activity, settlement perfection aside.
The FIAC (International Contemporary Art Fair), which takes place on October each year, triggers my attention.
Beautiful, prestigious, she displays art exhibits of the biggest past, present and maybe futur artists. More I walk through these beautiful aisles and booths, more I want to capture what is going on when the place is closing its doors to the public.
What happens after the last midnight call? What is behind the scenes?
I decide to go for this storing frenzy, those outward artworks, shipping to other rooms, other galleries, other countries.
Far from my initial specifications based on the black and white photography with a work on the human-being, I decide to capture color pictures and without any characters. The challenge to produce still lifes was even more complicated as the exhibition was constantly in a move.